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Is AP Right for You

Is Advanced Placement Right For You?

1.Are you thinking of attending a college or university after high school?Yes ___No ___
2.Are you willing to spend extra time and effort to earn a college credit in a high school course?Yes ___No ___
3.Are you willing to limit your hours per week on a part-time job?Yes ___No ___
4.Generally, students taking AP classes can handle no more than three extracurricular commitments, and must be prepared to manage these very carefully.  Are you willing to put your AP course work in its proper place?Yes ___No ___
5.Can you limit community activities during the week?Yes ___No ___
6.Will you devote time to homework each day?Yes ___No ___
7.Do you like to read without being told to do so?Yes ___No ___
8.Are you willing to make a firm commitment to persevere in the AP course until you find success, even if the course proves to be challenging at the beginning of the school year?Yes ___No ___
9.Are you willing to commit yourself to completing assigned tasks on time?Yes ___No ___
10.Are you willing to commit extra time to the improvement of your study skills?Yes ___No ___

If there are more "no" than "yes" responses, Advanced Placement (AP) may not be the right choice for you. 
Please talk with your parents, teachers, and counselor to help make the best decision for you.