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Gifted Curriculum

A differentiated curriculum is provided for students in the gifted program. The program in the elementary grades and for some middle schools is one of enrichment. These students participate in a pull-out program one day per week. All other students receive services in a class or in classes for particular subjects.

All curriculum contains:

  1. Content that is compacted and accelerated in such a way that the amount of time usually involved in mastery is significantly reduced;

  2. Content that reflects a higher degree of complexity, emphasizes abstract concepts, and develops higher-level thinking processes than does content
    found in regular coursework;

  3. Content that goes beyond the prescribed curriculum to involve the application of learning to areas of greater challenge and;

  4. Multi-disciplinary content that increases students’ abilities to formulate and test new generalizations and/or products.

Gifted students served in pull-out enrichment programs have no grades assigned. A six-weeks progress report is sent home for all students addressing progress toward the goals and objectives on the IEP.