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The purpose of gifted education is to provide a learning environment which will inspire, motivate, and challenge children to achieve the highest possible degree of success, happiness, and usefulness in reaching their fullest potential.


In a democratic society, it shall be the primary responsibility of the school to offer educational opportunities appropriate to each child’s ability. Academically and intellectually gifted children are a unique population, differing markedly from their age peers in abilities, talents, interests, and potential for accomplishment. The purpose of gifted education is to provide a learning environment which will inspire, motivate, and challenge these children to achieve the highest possible degree of success, happiness, and usefulness in reaching their fullest potential. The success of this endeavor is dependent upon trained personnel willing to accept these children as individuals with special needs and abilities.


The curriculum offering, oriented to the academically gifted learner, must provide a program of experiences which differs from the regular school program. At the elementary level, it should be considered a framework of learning alternatives serving as a resource for ideas, or as a point of departure for further study and activity. In addition, at the secondary level, it should contain “content that is compact and accelerated in such a way that the amount of time usually involved in mastery is significantly reduced and that reflects a higher degree of complexity.” (Bulletin 741, 1997, p. 77) The student shall be expected to perform successfully, meeting the expectations of learner goals for the curriculum areas. Evaluation by students and teachers shall be a continuous process.


The ultimate goal of the program shall be to develop within each individual a desire for excellence, a sense of individual worth, and a responsibility to self and to society. Finally, the success of this program shall be determined by the commitment and support of the parents, the students, and the personnel at all levels of the school community.