Harbour House
Harbour House ETC is an emergency shelter for children who are in need of temporary care in a physically unrestricted environment. These children include those who are removed from their homes for reasons of neglect, physical or sexual abuse, children who run away from home or are homeless, children in foster care awaiting placement, children on supervised probation or status offenders and children in need of care.
Students receive educational services of teachers, tutors and the Calcasieu Virtual Program provided by the Calcasieu Parish School Board including special education services when appropriate.
The curriculum will be individualized, diagnostic and prescriptive. Instruction will address state standards and grade-level standards.
Advanced Placement courses are not provided for students while on Homebound Instruction. If a student enters into the Homebound Program and is currently in Advanced Placement classes, the student must be transferred to non-AP classes and remains in the non-AP classes until the student has been released from Hospital Homebound.