JCampus FAQs for Teachers
- A student is marked as skipped in 2nd hour but is sitting in your 4th hour class - do you do anything?
- A student was tardy 2nd and 4th hour, and is now tardy in my 7th hour - there is no place to mark another tardy - do we click on the "out" field and change the previous tardy?
- A student who is marked as absent, then checked in is now not in 7th hour - how can you mark skipping?
- At the end of the grading period, if a teacher assigned "I, X, or left it blank" to any assignment, does the teacher need to go back and assign an "F" if the student didn't make up the work or complete the assignment?
- For Elementary Schools, where do I click to mark a student tardy?
- For High Schools and Middle Schools, where do I click to do mark a tardy to class code?
- How do I access JCampus from home?
- How do I get rid of a final marking period average in my gradebook. There are no assignments for the student(s) but there is an average in the Final column.
- How do we put in extra credit assignments for Elementary and Middle School students?
- I am looking for printable rosters that include the students' ID numbers......I have looked everywhere and tried some things but with no success.
- I have a student who was late for 1st hour, checked in; and is now absent from my class. The correction for the a.m. class was rectified. How do I now mark this student absent in my 7th hour class?
- I marked a student skipped from my class then he showed up. How do I change that to a tardy?
- I placed the students the way I wanted in the Seating Chart, but when I tried to print it only printed a list of ID numbers.
- I was editing an assignment, and I clicked on the do not show in gradebook box, and surprise it works, however how do I get that assignment back?
- If a senior’s first class of the day isn't until 2nd or 3rd period and they are absent will they have to be marked as skipped by that teacher? What about the rest of the day? Will each teacher have to mark them as skipped or will they be marked absent be
- In JCampus if a student has an "I" as one of the letter grades for an assignment, it is defaulting the letter grade to an I. It seems like it is calculating it in the average as a "0", but it is not giving the correct letter grade.
- My mouse is acting funny and doesn’t seem to stay where I click when I try to enter or select data.
- My screen seems to “jump” around when I am trying to input grades or attendance. How do I make it stop?
- The office tells me that one of my students checked out at beginning of 7th hour but can't see it on screen.
- When I look at Attendance by Day from the gear box, I see some codes at the bottom. What do they mean?
- Where do I click to do attendance for first period or homeroom?
- Where do I click to mark a student Tardy to 1st period in High Schools and Middle Schools?