The LaSTEM Advisory Council, established by Act 392 of the 2017 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, is seeking nine entities to host Regional STEM Centers (Centers) across nine designated regions, collectively encompassing the whole state of Louisiana. For a map of the designated regions, see Attachment A. The LaSTEM Advisory Council believes every citizen of Louisiana should have access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) resources through a Regional STEM Center.
The purposes of these Centers include:
● building strong foundations for STEM literacy;
● increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM; and
● preparing the STEM workforce of the future.
The SWLA Regional 5 STEM Center will offer educational services with a STEM focus throughout the calendar year. During working hours on weekdays, the Center will host educational student field trips and provide teacher training during regularly scheduled teacher in-service days. During after school hours on weekdays the Center will run weekly, age appropriate STEM classes for students who are interested on the subject.
STEM classes will be offered on weekends also for students whose schedule is full with other activities during after school time but are also interested in STEM careers. These activities will also be offered during school breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, etc.) and during summer vacations. The Center will also provide opportunities to MSU faculty for STEM research and a good environment for pre-service teachers (MSU students pursuing education majors) to practice their skills.