The Calcasieu Parish School Board is proud to have an initiative called Lunching with Law Enforcement. This initiative is a partnership between CPSB’s School Nutrition Program and local law enforcement agencies.
Lunching with Law Enforcement brings law enforcement officers into school cafeterias twice a month to eat lunch with our students. Each agency is invited to send up to two officers per campus on the first and third Thursdays of each month during the school year. Lunch will be provided to officers at no cost. They will simply show up and spend time with our students.
People and agencies working together is what builds a better community. The School Board’s goal through Lunching with Law Enforcement is to further strengthen the existing relationship between the community we serve and local law enforcement agencies. We are truly better together.
It’s been said more than once that raising a child takes a village. We are part of that village for over 32,000 students in our community, and so are the members of our local law enforcement agencies.