Meet the Board
2024 Board President-Eric Tarver
2024 Board Vice President-Rev. Desmond Wallace
- Board Profiles
- Committees
- Board Meeting Agendas
- Board Meeting Minutes
- Board Meeting Recaps
- Board Members by School
- Public Participation
- Policy Manual
- Board Members by Bonding District
- Bonding District Map
- Redistricting - Election Districts
- Meeting Calendar
Board Profiles
- Auxiliary and Personnel Committee
- Curriculum and Instruction Committee
- Long Range Planning Committee
- Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
- Insurance/Employee Benefits Committee
Auxiliary and Personnel Committee
Curriculum and Instruction Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
Insurance/Employee Benefits Committee
Board Meeting Agendas
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Recaps
August 13, 2024
At last night's regular board meeting, Paranika Ethakota was recognized for being the regional Scripps Spelling Bee Winner and competing at the national event. Paranika is a student at T.S. Cooley Elementary.
Preston LeDay from Combre-Fondel Elementary was recognized for placing third at the National BETA Convention this summer. Preston plays the drums and will be continuing his educational journey at Oak Park Middle.
Board meetings will now be live-streamed in accordance with a new state law. Last night's board meeting can be viewed here.
In accordance with Act 311, job descriptions have been amended and approved following last night's meeting. Job descriptions for counselors were removed from the vote and will be revisited later. You can view the full agenda, which includes the job descriptions, here.
Revisions to the Code of Conduct were approved in accordance with new state laws, including Act 313. According to CPSB's Code of Conduct, student cell phones must be turned off and stowed away during the instructional day. The revised Code of Conduct will be shared publicly via our website and social media soon.
Several other things were approved at the meeting, including a revised Pupil Progression Plan, Performance Contracts, Emergency Pay Plan, and MOUs for Reunification Plan sites.
There is an upcoming C&I Committee meeting on August 27 and a Budget Committee meeting on September 24.
Board Members by School
- Arnett Middle: Damon Hardesty
- Barbe Elem: Mary Fontenot
- Barbe High: Dean Roberts
- Bell City High: Aaron Natali
- Brentwood Elem: Betty Washington
- Clifton Early Learning Center: Karen Hardy-McReynolds
- College Oaks Elem: Patrick Pichon
- Combre-Fondel Elem: Karen Hardy-McReynolds
- Cooley Elem: Mary Fontenot
- Cypress Cove Elem: Phyllis Ayo
- DeQuincy Elem: Tony O’Banion
- DeQuincy High: Tony O’Banion
- DeQuincy Middle: Tony O’Banion
- DeQuincy Primary: Tony O’Banion
- Dolby Elem: Patrick Pichon
- Fairview Elem: Desmond Wallace
- Frasch Elem: Russell Castille
- Gillis Elem: Aaron Natali
- Henning Elem: Russell Castille
- Henry Heights Elem: Patrick Pichon
- Iowa High/Middle: Aaron Natali
- Johnson Elem: Glenda Gay
- Kaufman Elem: Eric Tarver
- Kennedy Early Childhood Center: Desmond Wallace
- Key Elem: Russell Castille
- LaGrange High: Patrick Pichon
- LeBlanc Middle/Drost: Russell Castille
- LeBleu Settlement Elem: Aaron Natali
- Lewis Middle: Russell Castille
- Maplewood Elem: Billy Breaux
- Maplewood Middle: Billy Breaux
- Molo Middle: Karen Hardy-McReynolds
- Moss Bluff Elem: Shawn Baumgarten
- Moss Bluff Middle: Shawn Baumgarten
- Nelson Elem: Eric Tarver
- Oak Park Elem: Betty Washington
- Oak Park Middle: Betty Washington
- Prien Lake Elem: Mary Fontenot
- Sam Houston High: Shawn Baumgarten
- St. John Elem: Dean Roberts
- Starks High: Tony O’Banion
- Sulphur High: Russell Castille
- Vincent Settlement Elem: Phyllis Ayo
- Vincent, RW Elem: Billy Breaux
- Vinton Elem: Phyllis Ayo
- Vinton High: Phyllis Ayo
- Vinton Middle: Phyllis Ayo
- Washington-Marion High: Karen Hardy-McReynolds
- Watkins Elem: Betty Washington
- Watson, J.I. Elementary: Aaron Natali
- Watson, Pearl Elem: Glenda Gay
- Welsh Middle: Eric Tarver
- Western Heights Elem: Damon Hardesty
- Westlake High: Damon Hardesty
- Westwood Elem: Damon Hardesty
- White Middle: Patrick Pichon
- Wilson Elem: Glenda Gay
Public Participation
The Calcasieu Parish School Board shall conduct all meetings in full view of and with welcome participation by the public. All delegations or individuals who wish to appear before the Board shall submit their requests in writing to the Superintendent at least eight (8) working days prior to the meeting date, stating the matter they wish considered by the Board and the approximate time such matter should consume at the meeting. Such items may be included on the agenda of the meeting at which the delegation or individual wishes to appear before the Board. Each delegation appearing before the Board shall select one (1) person in advance as its spokesman.
After the agenda is set and published, all delegations or individuals who wish to comment on any agenda item must submit their requests, in writing, to the Superintendent prior to the convening of the meeting, stating what agenda item they wish to address. A procedure of general consent may be used for Board action but that procedure shall not preclude public participation or public comment as provided for in this policy. Each delegation appearing before the Board shall select one (1) person in advance as a spokesperson.
In the event that the Board should add an item to its agenda after the Board meeting begins, the Board President shall orally request of the audience whether anyone in attendance would like to speak on the added agenda item. Each person indicating a desire to do so shall be given an opportunity to address the Board on each agenda item added. The Board shall delay deliberations on that agenda item until such time as all interested members of the public have had an opportunity to speak.
The Board reserves the right to recess into or call executive sessions as provided by state law. At no time will actions be taken or resolutions made during executive sessions.
The Board may have removed from a Board meeting any person or persons who willfully disrupt a meeting to the extent that orderly conduct of the meeting is seriously compromised.
The Calcasieu Parish School Board has established a five (5) minute rule on comments by the public. With a 2/3 vote of the Board, this time can be extended by the Board for a time to be determined by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
If at the time an agenda item is stated to be before the School Board or a School Board committee for discussion or action, there are fifteen (15) or more submitted “Request to Appear” Forms on that item, comments by the public shall be limited to three (3) minutes.
To be entitled to comment on an agenda item persons must complete a "Request to Appear" Form and submit it to the Superintendent prior to convening of the meeting. The public may comment on any agenda item, including items appearing on the consent agenda.
Only discussion relevant to specific agenda items will be allowed. The Board will not allow discussion on previous actions of the Board or on an agenda item from a previous meeting.
The form may be picked up from and returned to the Secretary at the Board meeting.
Policy Manual
District Policy Manual
The policies, laws, guidelines, or other material provided herein were adopted by the School Board. The policies and related information are for information purposes only. Forethought Consulting, Inc., its suppliers and licensors provide only the publication media for the policies and related information passed or accepted by the School Board. Nothing herein shall be construed to place liability on Forethought Consulting, Inc., its licensors and suppliers, for any and all liability or damage whatsoever caused by relying on the information on content contained in the Calcasieu Parish School Board website, and in particular the Computer Assisted Policy Service portion contained on the Board's website.
Board Members by Bonding District
#21: Damon Hardesty, Tony O’Banion
- DeQuincy Primary, DeQuincy Elementary, DeQuincy Middle, DeQuincy High
#23: Billy Breaux, Shawn Baumgarten, Damon Hardesty, Karen Hardy-McReynolds
- Maplewood Elementary, Maplewood Middle, S. P. Arnett Middle, Western Heights Elementary, Westwood Elementary, Westlake High
#24: Tony O’Banion
- Starks High/K-12
#25: Karen Hardy-McReynolds, Aaron Natali, Desmond Wallace
- Iowa High/Middle, J. I. Watson Elementary, LeBleu Settlement Elementary
#26: Phyllis Ayo, Tony O’Banion
- Vinton Elementary, Vinton Middle, Vinton High
#27: Shawn Baumgarten, Karen Hardy-McReynolds, Aaron Natali
- Gillis Elementary, Moss Bluff Elementary, Moss Bluff Middle, Sam Houston High
#28: Aaron Natali
- Bell City High/K-12
#30: Billy Breaux, Phyllis Ayo, Russell Castille, Damon Hardesty, Tony O’Banion
- Cypress Cove Elementary, E. K. Key Elementary, Frasch Elementary, LeBlanc Middle, R. W. Vincent Elementary, Sulphur High, Vincent Settlement Elementary, W. T. Henning Elementary, W. W. Lewis Middle
#31: Mary Fontenot, Betty Washington, Glenda Gay, Karen Hardy-McReynolds, Desmond Wallace
- Combre-Fondel Elementary, J. D. Clifton Elementary, J. J. Johnson, II Elementary, Lake Charles-Boston Academy of Learning, Pearl Watson Elementary, Ralph Wilson Elementary, Ray D. Molo Middle, Washington-Marion Magnet High
#33: ALL
- Brentwood Elementary, F. K. White Middle, Fairview Elementary, Henry Heights Elementary, John F. Kennedy Elementary, LaGrange High, M. J. Kaufman Elementary, Oak Park Elementary, Oak Park Middle, T. H. Watkins Elementary, T. S. Cooley Elementary
#34: Mary Fontenot, Patrick Pichon, Dean Roberts, Eric Tarver
- Barbe Elementary, Barbe High, College Oaks Elementary, Dolby Elementary, Nelson Elementary, Prien Lake Elementary, S. J. Welsh Middle, St. John Elementary