Partner Activity Suggestions
Activity Suggestions
Quality activities that improve student achievement and foster lifelong learning
Calcasieu Parish School Board welcomes you as a supporter, asset builder, and Partner in Education promoting community engagement in our schools, community pride, and success for our students. We have compiled some suggestions as a starting point for planning your Partner in Ed. activities. Remember, these are just suggestions, and many partnerships may extend beyond this list.
For Students:
- Sponsor or participate in a mentor or tutor program at a CPSB school or at your site
- Provide reading buddies or volunteers for reading programs
- Sponsor community service or service learning projects
- Host academic contests
- Attend and participate in school-related functions
- Display student artwork at your site
- Provide classroom speakers
- Participate in career fairs or judge a student competition
- Offer student recognition program incentives and awards for achievements, good attendance, or improvement
- Support teams, art and theater programs through sponsorships, coaching, or in-kind support
- Hold school supply, uniform, or book drives
- Sponsor extracurricular activities such as computer, math, or science clubs
- Support field trips for CPSB students to experience post-secondary settings
- Provide school-based or authentic experiences for students to explore careers and/or understand the relevance of their learning
- Provide access to campus fine arts performances for CPSB students
- Provide opportunities for “job shadowing” and/or internships
- Host work site field trips
- Provide demonstrations and/or tours to highlight artistic and/or technical skills
- Allow students to design holiday cards, calendars, or covers for annual reports or other business publications
- Conduct skills of daily living seminars to teach students etiquette, business, or other skills they will need for real world success
For Schools:
- Provide resources to support campus or student needs
- Supply materials and/or financial support for student, school, or district initiatives or activities
- Donate materials (stationary, pens, pencils, notebooks, rulers, etc.)
- Provide space for school trainings, meetings, or events
- Provide chaperones for field trips
- Display school related calendar/schedules at your site
- Sponsor appreciation events
- Recognize outstanding teachers, administrators, and support personnel
- Sponsor and/or participate in school beautification projects like landscaping
- Develop and maintain communication links with CPSB and your site
For Teachers:
- Provide educator staff development
- Provide training for technology, or other areas of expertise
- Sponsor an educator to attend a conference, seminar, or professional meeting
- Host teacher appreciation event
- For Parents and Families:
- Provide interpreters for parent/teacher conferences
- Sponsor family learning opportunities
- Provide social support services that benefit families or students
- Provide educational services that benefit families or students
- Host parent information and education programming opportunities
- Provide programs that promote higher education for students and parents
- Provide financial aid seminar for parents
- Donate gifts at Christmas time for families
- Support extended-day/after-school programs
For the District/Community:
- Include information about CPSB and CPSB/school events, volunteer opportunities, and other information in corporate communications
- Make donations to “DeWanna’s Community Closet” for families across the district
- Partner for grant opportunities
- Make connections to new partners
- Host a neighborhood clean-up to enable students to earn community service hours
For Your Employees/Community Members/Residents:
- Provide release time for employees to volunteer in CPSB schools
- Host a training for employees
- Host district personnel as special event speakers at your site