Asbestos Management Plan
The Calcasieu Parish School Board has retained Wynn L. White Consulting Engineers, Inc. to re-inspect all Calcasieu Parish School Board school facilities for the presence of asbestos containing materials. The work consisted of evaluating asbestos containing materials identified during previous inspections, identifying materials suspected of containing asbestos, sampling those materials, analyzing the samples, making a hazard assessment, making recommendations, and preparing Asbestos Management Plan updates.
The asbestos management plan for each facility is on file at the facility and at the following location:
Wynn L. White Consulting Engineers, Inc.
P.O. Box 83527
Baton Rouge, LA 70884-3527
Phone: 225-761-9141 extension 2
Fax: 225-761-4450
Attn: Chris White, P.E.