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The district has adopted Suite360 as our social emotional learning curriculum.   

Suite360 Student Universal Social Emotional Learning Curriculum is now available for students K-12.  This universal SEL curriculum consists of 36 weekly SEL lessons.  Each week students will be assigned one short lesson for the week.   

Each school has the autonomy to decide how and when these short 10-15 minute SEL lessons will be delivered.  Using all devices, Suite360 Student SEL Student Lessons can be accessed through Launchpad at home or at school. 

Suite360 Student provides a consistent delivery of social-emotional learning as both classroom-based and student-driven experiences aligned with the CASEL framework and competencies.  CASEL is helping make evidence-based social and emotional learning an integral part of education. 

Suite360 imparts best practices with fidelity.  When social emotional learning (SEL) is included in schools, school climate ratings go up, learning increases, behavior problems decrease, and standardized test scores go up. 

All parents of CPSB students have access to Suite360 Parent. This program offers multimedia lessons that provide engaging social emotional learning experiences for your child and great tips for you. Parents can access Suite360 Parent by clicking here and clicking “Sign Up” then enter the School Activation code calcasieu

Links to Suite360 Parent Lesson List and Suite360 Parent Flyer:

Suite360 Parent Lesson List.pdf 

Suite 360 Parent Flyer